Contributors Guidelines

The Upper Room Disciplines

You will submit seven meditations. Each meditation will include the following:

  • a listing of a Bible reading from your assigned scripture passages for the week
  • a meditation of 325 words based on the scripture reading chosen for the day
  • a short prayer, or suggestion for prayer or meditation


Disciplines offers the reader a deeper look at scripture through examining the scripture in its original context and considering its meaning for our lives today. As opposed to merely recounting scripture, Disciplines offers an interpretation of scripture passages to readers.

Length and Format

Disciplines contains a meditation for every day of the year. Each author writes seven meditations, beginning on Monday and ending on Sunday.

Address all of the designated scripture passages. Use each scripture at least once and no more than twice in your assigned week. You may divide passages into sections, so long as the division maintains the integrity of the passage.

Choose an overall theme or title for your week of meditations.

The word count for each meditation (325 words) includes the meditation itself and the prayer or other closing. The word count does not include the theme title line or the date-scripture line.

Please submit your meditations as one submission by clicking the "Submit to Upper Room" button on your Disciplines assignment page.

Quoted Material

For any Bible quotations, indicate the version (translation), book, chapter, and verse. We do not use paraphrased versions, such as the Living Bible.

Avoid using copyrighted material. If you do use quotations, cite the reference in the notes section of your assignment and include the source author, title, place of publication, publisher, copyright date, and the page(s) from which you are quoting. Keep a copy of this information for yourself. If quotations are not identified, they will be deleted.

We will determine if permission for any quoted material is needed. Avoid using poetry (two or more lines), hymns, or songs, unless they are clearly public domain material.

Returning Forms

Complete and return all forms given to you (including your byline and other information) and the W-9, which is necessary for our financial files.

Final Publishing Decision

A final decision as to publication of each manuscript is not reached until after the meetings of our editors regarding all fifty-two weeks of meditations for the upcoming year.

Upper Room Books

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