Submit a Book Proposal

Upper Room Books guides readers in Christian spiritual formation, inviting them to create daily life with God. Upper Room Books resources speak to the needs of laypersons and clergy, both individuals and small groups.

Upper Room Books

UPPER ROOM BOOKS guides readers in Christian spiritual formation, helping them create daily life with God. Upper Room Books resources speak to the needs of laypersons and clergy, both individuals and small groups. We seek writers who provide insights and guidance on these topics: spiritual practices, spiritual formation, Advent and Lent studies, living a faithful Christian life, healing and wholeness, aging, and creativity and spirituality. Upper Room Books is committed to the use of inclusive language in reference to God and humanity. Upper Room Books does not publish fiction or poetry. For more information about Upper Room Books and to browse our resources, visit

Upper Room Proposal Guidelines

  1. Think about your readers. Your book needs a reason to be. It needs a "hook," the thing that makes it stand out and convinces readers that they want to read it. What makes your book different? What is your intended audience?
  2. If you have an idea for a book, then someone else has probably had that idea too. Look for other books on your topic. How can you make yours different or better?
  3. Once you have your idea, write a paragraph describing your book in as much detail as you can. Then shorten the description. Then shorten it again until you can explain your book in a few sentences. Make an outline or table of contents so you can break your book into smaller pieces.
  4. Write a few chapters. Now read them. Has the book changed from your original plan? Great. Revise the plan, the chapters, or both. Rework your book's description if necessary.
  5. Your first draft is never your final draft. Writing is a process of revising and improving, first with the chapters and the description, and then with the whole book. You will learn what you are writing by writing.

Once you have gone through those steps you will have what you need for an Upper Room Books proposal.

  • a working title and description of your book
  • a purpose statement (What need will your book meet?)
  • a clearly defined target audience
  • a table of contents
  • at least one fully written chapter
  • a statement of who you are and any connections you have that would help your book find its readers
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Book Proposal